HAS offers trellises in various shapes & designs for climbing plants and shrubs. We can customize the design to match the available space, density of plant climbers etc. It can also be built as floor standing units, wall mount units , cantilever supported units and further customizable as per client requirements. All of our trellises are manufactured using high different metals like Mild steel, Stainless Steel , Combination materials and many more. We could offer the trellis coated with various finishes ranging from normal paints to specialized coatings.
We work with various landscape Architects to design, conceptualize & fabricate various designs of trellis that serve as a center of attraction and to create an appealing garden space. We have simple grid pattern to complex form of lattice of interwoven pieces that provides a complete built framework. With trellis the greenery & colour spectrum of flowers moves to vertical orientation than on the ground alone.

Metal Obelisk Trellis
