Street Furniture
HAS Engineering offers wide range of street furniture & urban landscape solutions designed and manufactured to meet the ever evolving landscape designs. Our product solutions are offered for all applications related to landscape requirement. We have extensive portfolio of designs and further are capable of design & development of products as per client’s landscape design architecture.
HAS Engineering product offerings come manufactured using diverse materials like Stainless Steel, Mild steel, wood, WPC, GRP and further offerings are made using advanced materials like honeycomb composites, carbon fiber etc.
Our street manufacture products includes entire range like litter bins, benches, bollards, tree guards, garden fence, planter boxes, water fountain, smoking shelter etc. AS for landscape architectural products we offer wide range of specialized structures like canopy, pergola, gazebo, shade structures, trellis, catenary structure, shaded walk way, MEP bollards and many more.
We offer tailor fit solutions to our clients for their unique requirements that are integrated as amenities that comes in landscape architecture are used for technology applications like customized poles mounts, surveillance cameras, Wi-Fi antennas, electrical, data provisions. HAS Engineering could offer them in standard or even camouflaged design such that its blends in and existence won’t be emminetly visible.

Park Benches

Tree Guards

Litter Bins